Personal Concealment Solutions, Inc.
Steve Aikens
NRA Certified, New Mexico Approved Instructor
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Links Updated 09/4/2018Here's a good reminder Added 9/04/2018.
Four Safety Tips
I am no longer scheduling classes due to health issues.
Course Attendance Policy
Two-Year Requalifications[PCS Classes are a MINIMUM of 16 hours]
Click the NRA Logo above to join at significant savings!
Current Pricing
NRA Recruiter Authorized Discount Pricing for On-the-Spot Membership Sign-ups:
One-Year ($35) - $25
Three-Year ($85) - $70
Five-Year ($125) - $100
Regular Life ($1,000) - $750
For the record
I am not affiliated with
Patriot Outdoors in Clovis, NM
as some have been told.Nor will I ever be.
Effective July 1, 2007: concealed carry licensees are no longer required to disarm before entering businesses that sell alcohol for off-premises consumption. NM Alcohol and Gaming Commission signs no longer apply to those licensed and concealed. Businesses that sell for any on-premises consumption are still prohibited. Remember, concealed means concealed.
Effective Jan 1, 2004, New Mexicans were authorized to legally exercise their right to carry concealed handguns after receiving a minimum of 15 hours of training from a NM DPS Approved Instructor, meeting certain minimum standards, submitting and receiving approval of an application to NM DPS and following the issue of a NM Concealed Handgun License.
Residents may now take NM DPS approved courses, submit applications for a New Mexico CHL and when approved, legally carry under the new law. The minimum age is now 21. Qualification with the largest caliber you wish to carry authorizes lesser calibers as well.
If you’ve been waiting for the right time to receive training at the right cost to you, the time is now. Contact Personal Concealment Solutions to arrange your training.
Course cost is $125, plus 9.34 tax = $134.34. That includes qualification of both semi-auto and revolver categories if so desired. Course includes qualifications as noted, 1 Notarized Certificate of Completion which may be used for proof of certification for other states requiring NRA certification, the NM State Approved Certificate of Completion required to send NM DPS with your application and fingerprint cards, Statute, Computer Generated Application and a copy of the NM Administrative Code.
This course meets or exceeds the requirements for training for a New Mexico Concealed Handgun License. This course also meets the training requirement for non-resident licenses from other states that are desirable to hold licenses or permits from, if you travel. For example, you’ll be able to meet the training requirement for Florida for a Concealed Weapons/Firearms License, and I will provide applications for that license as well. As of 9/01/09, if you hold both a NM CHL and a Florida Concealed Weapon License, you will be licensed to carry a concealed firearm in 34 states. As reciprocal agreements are reached with Florida and New Mexico, your right to keep and bear arms will increase.
All New Mexico Certified Police Officers, Gun Shop Owners, Senators and Representatives are welcome to attend any regularly scheduled CHL course at no charge. Credentials and pre-registration required.
Call 575-762-0365 for additional information on all course schedules.
Personal Concealment Solutions, Inc.
Steve Aikens
NRA Certified, New Mexico Approved Instructor
Clovis, NM
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